Sunday, March 20, 2016

Photoshop Advertisement

Photoshop Advertisement

Due: March 24th

Directions: Create 3 photo advertisements all for different brands. Use google images to find your high resolution images and use tools we have learned, filters, and text to turn the image into an ad. Think about creative ways of representing that brand (slogans, imagery, etc.). You may also use the internet to look at examples of photo advertisements for inspiration. Before you start working on each, answer the following questions in Microsoft Word and save them in the folder with your Photoshopped images: 
  1. Who is the client, or company you are representing?
  2. What is the product?
  3. Who is the target audience?
  4. Where would you expect to see this advertisement?

Mr. Newell's Example: 

ITC Student Example by Rocelle Ray:

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