Sunday, March 27, 2016

Contemporary Photojournalists: James Nachtwey

Contemporary Photojournalists: James Nachtwey

Contemporary Photojournalists: James Nachtwey,

Using the link below and other sites on the internet, answer the following questions (copy and paste questions and answer in Word) to learn more about contemporary photojournalist James Nachtwey.

CLICK HERE to view link about Nachtwey and click "BIO" at the bottom of the screen for his biography that will help you answer the questions and view his photo essays.

1. When and where was Nachtwey born?

2. Where did Nachtwey attend college and what did he study?

3. What inspired Nachtwey to become a photographer?

4. When did Nachtwey start photographing?

5. What are the three topics of Nachtwey’s photographs?

6. Name five of Nachtwey’s photojournalistic assignments?

7. Nachtwey has worked for which photographic organizations during his career?

8. Where has Nachtwey held solo exhibitions?

9. Which awards has Nachtwey received more than once?
10. How many books has Nachtwey published?

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