Sunday, March 13, 2016

ITC Video Resumes

ITC Video Resumes

Directions: We will be creating video resumes to showcase your skills, goals, and top projects in your media classes this year.

1) List AT LEAST 5 strengths that you have in media (for example: Photoshop, Camera Operator, News Anchor, etc.)
2) List AT LEAST 5 media projects that you are proud of that you would like to include in your video resume (for example: Lasso Tool Photoshop Project, Studio Portrait, Tech Newscast, No Dialogue Video, Poster, etc.)
3) List AT LEAST 5 goals that you have for the rest of the year / future in media (for example: Master my pacing in editing, Improve my eye for shot composition, Refine my skills in newswriting, etc.) 

The following is an example of a VERY creative video resume: Video Resume Example

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