Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Grid Photoshop Project

For this assignment you will select a “Theme” for your photos, then using your photos create a 9 Square Grid in Photoshop to display them.

First select the “Theme” for your photos. Your theme should be a collection of 9 photos that are related in some way. They could be location, color, leading lines, or pattern. The nine photos you use in your project must have some commonality.

Using Photoshop, crop each photo 3 inches X 3 inches @ 300 dpi.

Once photos are cropped, create the document for your grid.

In Photoshop click on File > New.

Name your document. Then size the document.

Width: 9 inches
Height: 9 inches
Resolution: 300 inches/pixels

Click OK.

Turn on the rulers function. Click View > Rulers

You now will be working in Layers. Bring each of the 9 photos into the document and arrange in grid making sure each photo is the same size and shape.

Look at the ruler along the edges of your document to be sure you're sizing the photos to the correct dimensions.

When you’re finished, flatter layers and save as a .jpeg. Be sure to name your file with your name so I know its your project.

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