Sunday, March 13, 2016

ITC Day at Newhouse Follow-Up

Follow-Up to ITC Day at Newhouse Field Trip

Great job by everyone during our visit to The Newhouse School.

There are three assignments Mr. Newell would like you to do as a follow-up to the visit.
  1. Write Thank you notes to the people you worked with.
  2. Answer the question from the Communications class we visited.
  3. Produce a story (with photos) about your experience at Newhouse. This will be sent to Ashley Kang to be published in The Stand newspaper and website.

1.            Write and email Thank you notes to the people you worked with.
Please write a short thank you email to each person you worked with or met yesterday during our visit to the Newhouse School.
Personalize each email with one unique experience you had with that person.


Subject Line:  Visit to The Newhouse School

Dear Dean Branham,

It was great meeting with you yesterday during our visit to the Newhouse School. I really enjoyed learning about all the programs offered at the school. I would love to study broadcast journalism at The Newhouse school.

Thank you again for the opportunity to meet with you and visit the school.

Nick Lisi

Media student at ITC

Dean Lorraine Branham -

Dean, Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University

Professor Steve Davis -
Chair, Newspaper & Online Journalism

Professor Chris Tuohey -

Chair, Broadcast & Digital Journalism

Professor Greg Heisler -

Distinguished Professor of Photography

Professor Professor Charisse L’Pree –

Professor of Communications and Media Studies
Ashley Kang -

Director of The Stand newspaper

Steve Infanti -

Sports Director, News Channel 9


2.            Answer the question from the Communications class we visited.

As a follow-up to attending Professor Charisse L’Pree’s  COM 346 (Diversity and Media) class, answer the question below.

Define what a threat to masculinity is and provide an example.

3.            Produce a story (with photos) about your experience at Newhouse. This will be sent to Ashley Kang to be published in The Stand newspaper and website.
Students can work in teams or alone and answer the questions listed below about their experience visiting The Newhouse school.
It can be done as a video, written story with photos.
  • What kind of impression did the tour of Newhouse leave on you?
  • How are the programs/equipment at Newhouse similar to what we have at ITC and how are they different?
  • How has this field trip inspired you for college/work in media fields?

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