Monday, October 19, 2015

ITC Media - Layers Project

ITC Media - Layers Project Instructions


Below are step-by-step instructions on how to create a photo project using Layers. 
1.     Launch Photoshop
2.     Create a new Photoshop project
a.     File > New

b.     Name the file with your name and the project name.
c.      Set the Width to 10 inches
d.     Set the Height to 8 inches
e.     Set the Resolution to 200 Pixels/inch
f.      Do not change any other settings at this time.
3.     Click OK
4.     Open your Layers window. In the menu across the top, click on Window and select Layers. It will appear on upper-right side of the Photoshop workspace.
5.     Open photos in Photoshop that you want to use in your project.
6.     Position the photos so you can see your new Photoshop project document and one of the photos you will use in your project on your monitor so you can see both at the same time. Pull the tabs own from the top menu as needed.
7.     Using your Move Tool, mouse click on the first photo you will use in your project, drag onto the new Photoshop document and release.

 Move Tool:  
8.     Use the Move Tool to position the photo to the desired place in the photo.
9.     If the photo needs to be sized, follow the directions below.
a.     From the menu across the top, click on Edit > Transform > Scale
b.     Holding the Shift key on your keyboard down, mouse click and hold on a square in a corner of the photo and drag to desired size.
c.      Release the mouse and repeat as needed.
d.     When photo is at desired size and position, double click inside the photo to hold the crop.

1     Change the Opacity if you want to create a “see through” effect on a photo. Opacity adjustment    slider is located on the Layers window.

1   10. Repeat this process for each photo used in the project.
1    11.  Remember….as you work on each individual layer, click on that layer in the Layers window. This  will allow you to make changes to only that individual layer.  

12. When you are finished, Flatten the image and save onto your desktop.

a. Select Layers from the menu across the top, and click on Flatten.

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