Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Advanced Media - NOCTI Revew: Computer Based Technology

NOCTI Exam Review: Computer Based Technology

Directions: Log into our class blog and watch two videos on Digital Media. As you’re watching the videos, answer the questions below.

1.       What is digital media?

2.       What role does a computer play in the creation of digital media?

3.       Where is digital media stored?

4.       Give three examples of Digital media.


1.       What is a digital publication? Give three examples.

2.       How can eBooks help in research?

3.       How has digital media affect book publishing?

4.       What percentage of Americans gets their news from digital sources?

5.       How is getting news from digital sources different than getting news from one newspaper?

6.       What is a computer “Blog”?

7.       What is Microblogging?

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