Sunday, October 4, 2015

Advanced Media - NOCTI Exam Review: Search Engine Optimization

NOCTI Exam Review: Search Engine Optimization

Directions: As part of the NOCTI review we discussed network Search Engines and how to best benefit from their search capabilities. 

One way of getting the most out of a search engine, is to understand Search Engine Optimization.

View the video on Search Engine Optimization and read the article on ways to optimize a web site and answer the questions below. 

Links to the video and article can be found below.

Answer questions 1 – 8 from watching the video using Microsoft Word or on a Separate Sheet of Paper

1.     How are librarians like internet search engines?

2.     How does a search engine (like Google and Bong) get their information?

3.     What is the search engine’s “secret recipe” and what does it do?

4.     How does having a high ranking on a search engine’s list help a web site?

5.     Why do words matter to a search engine?

6.     Why does the title of a page matter to a search engine? Where is it located?

7.     Does linking to different sites from your web help your search engine optimization?

8.     Is it important to have fresh and engaging content on your web site to achieve good search engine optimization?

Answer questions 9 – 14 from reading the article using Microsoft Word or on a Separate Sheet of Paper

9.     How does having good search engine optimization help your web site?

10.  In your own words, explain how your web site is like and cake the search engine optimization is the sugar.

11.  In terms of “what search engines are looking for” explain Content.

12.  Explain the term “Keyword Stuffing”.

13.  Why is having “rich media” like video on your site is good for your ranking.

14.  What is a “Title Tag”?

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