Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Digital Photo - Photograph our Classroom

 ITC Digital Photo

September 23rd, 2015

Directions: Take photographs that tell a story about our media lab, control room, and TV studio. The goal of this assignment is to start using interesting camera angles to make these rooms look like the "coolest in our school".

- Each student will be given a Canon point and shoot camera. 
   These cameras are called "point and shoot" cameras because that's what they do: you point the camera at what you want to photograph, zoom in/out, and press a button to take the picture. This camera controls all of your focus and exposure settings. Once we get the hang of these cameras, we will move on to more advanced cameras in our media lab.

- We will break up into groups of 5 students.
   Three Groups will be in the media lab. One group will be in the control room. One group will be in the TV studio. You will spend 10 minutes in each room. Take at least 10 photos in each room during those minutes. Think about the many different angles you can photograph these rooms in.

- We will save our photos into our folders on our computer.
  The Canon point and shoot cameras all have SD cards that the photos save to. AS A CLASS we will learn to remove the cards from the camera, plug them into our computers, and save them to our photo folders on our computers.


1) Wide shot/establishing shot (showing as much of the room as possible)

2) Close-up (zoomed in or really close to an object in the room showing the detail of that object)

3) Medium Shot (in between a wide shot and close-up) 

4) Worm's eye view (low angle looking up)

5) Bird's eye view (high angle looking down)

Media Lab

 Control Room

                                                                    TV Studio

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