Thursday, September 24, 2015

Newscasting - News Story Planning Guide

 ITC Digital Multimedia - Newscasting (11th Grade) 

News Story Planning Guide

Directions: Use your news story to fill out this planning guide.
News Story Idea: _____________________________________

What big idea, or message, do you want to present through your news story? 
Complete the following in detail: 5 W’s and H 
Who?: _____________________________________________________________
What?: _____________________________________________________________
Where?: ___________________________________________________________
Why?: _____________________________________________________________
When?: ____________________________________________________________
How?: _____________________________________________________________
Complete the following script in detail:
Story Headline:______________________________________________________
Introduction (includes a HOOK):
Concluding Comments: ________________________________________________
Carefully review the draft you’ve now written, and type your final copy. Be sure to double space and use a size 16 font so that it is easy to read when you are practicing your spoken part.

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