Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ITC Media 2015-2016

 ITC Media 2015-2016
Mr. Newell


Students will learn skills in video, photo, audio, broadcasting, and journalism. We will use industry standard hardware and software in the development and production of projects.

Class Time: 

The best way to learn about media is hands-on time with projects and equipment. Much of the class time will be spent working on projects. There will be some lecture, demonstration, and in-class shoots. Writing and reading assignments as appropriate to the discipline will be part of this course. 

Students enter the classroom each day with a 100% (A) grade. To maintain that grade point
average, each day it is expected that all assignments be done with the highest level of professionalism, showing a positive attitude, and to the student’s best effort. Students will be given a grade at the midpoint and end of each marking period. Students can check the computer-based class grade book (E-School) regularly to check grades. If students miss points on an assignment, they will be able to see where they missed points, and make up those points next class. It is the students responsibility to check their grades in order to make up points!

Grading Weights:

Participation: 20%
Classwork: 20%
Worksheets: 20%
Projects: 20%
Quizzes/Tests: 20%

Class Attendance:
Attending class is mandatory for success in this class. ITC’s late policy states if a student is late
three times in a one month period, the student will be assigned after school detention for the length
of one class period. The teacher will call the student’s parents and tell them why the student is
assigned after school detention.

If the student does not show up for the after school detention, they will be assigned Saturday
school detention. If the student doesn’t attend Saturday school detention, they will be suspended.

Behavior Expectations for the Media Lab:
When you enter the Media Lab, you have entered a professional working environment. When in
the lab, it is expected that everyone will act in the manner found in all professional media

About Mr. Newell: 

Hello students and students’ families - Mr. Newell here! I will be teaching media communications at The Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central this year. A little bit about me: I am from the Syracuse area and have been involved locally with the visual arts for my whole life. I grew up taking pictures and making videos and have enjoyed watching technology advance along with my own artistic vision. I use many of the same industry standard equipment that you will be using in ITC’s media classes this year! Along with teaching here at ITC, I am the co-founder and owner of Digital Media Solutions, a ilm and photography business in Syracuse, I teach advanced film and editing classes at the college level at Cayuga Community College, and I am a coach for the ITC girls basketball team! GO EAGLES!

“I believe in you. I care about you. I will NEVER give up on you.”

Mr. Newell | Media Teacher | Institute of Technology @ Syracuse Central

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