Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Advanced Media - Animation Review

NOCTI Animation Review

NOCTI Exam Review: 12 Principles of Animation

As part of our review for the NOCTI exam, we will examine the 12 principles of Animation. Below are the terms that make up the 12 principles of animation.
In your own words, define each principle. To help you understand the terms, view the video and read the article on the 12 Principles of Animation I’ve highlighted on our class blog.

1. Squash and stretch
  2. Anticipation
  3. Staging
  4. Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
  5. Follow Through and Overlapping Action
  6. Slow In and Slow Out
  7. Arcs
  8. Secondary Action
  9. Timing
  10. Exaggeration
  11. Solid Drawing
  12. Appeal

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Advanced Media - NOCTI Exam Review

NOCTI Exam Review: Video Shooting Techniques

To review video shooting techniques, click the link below and view the video....answer the questions below.

CLICK HERE to view the video to answer the questions below.

1.     What benefits can good camera movement give to a scene?

2.     What are the most common camera movements?

3.     How can you make a narrative professional?

4.     What is a “Sled and Vest” system?

5.     What types of shots can you make with a “boom” movement?

Now CLICK HERE to view the video to review more video shooting techniques

Name as many shot types as you can:

Name as many camera movements as you can:

Digital Photo - Magazine Cover Art

 ITC Digital Photo

September 28th, 2015

Directions: Create a magazine cover in PhotoShop that tells a story about yourself. The magazine can be a real magazine or a fake magazine that you make up yourself:
  1. Magazine cover will only be one page.
  2. Develop a theme for the magazine (can be sports, music, food, hobbies, celebrity gossip, etc.) Background can be selected from internet.
  3. Must have a title (something related to the theme).
  4. Must include a picture of yourself.
  5. MAY use filters. 
To start your Magazine Cover: 
- Open PhotoShop
- Click "File" > "New"
- Make your dimensions (Height: 11, Width: 8.5)
- Open your new blank page.
- Start adding your Type and Image and editing using the type tool and the free transform tool. 

Mr. Newell's Examples: 


ITC Student Examples: 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Newscasting - News Story Planning Guide

 ITC Digital Multimedia - Newscasting (11th Grade) 

News Story Planning Guide

Directions: Use your news story to fill out this planning guide.
News Story Idea: _____________________________________

What big idea, or message, do you want to present through your news story? 
Complete the following in detail: 5 W’s and H 
Who?: _____________________________________________________________
What?: _____________________________________________________________
Where?: ___________________________________________________________
Why?: _____________________________________________________________
When?: ____________________________________________________________
How?: _____________________________________________________________
Complete the following script in detail:
Story Headline:______________________________________________________
Introduction (includes a HOOK):
Concluding Comments: ________________________________________________
Carefully review the draft you’ve now written, and type your final copy. Be sure to double space and use a size 16 font so that it is easy to read when you are practicing your spoken part.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Digital Photo - Photograph our Classroom

 ITC Digital Photo

September 23rd, 2015

Directions: Take photographs that tell a story about our media lab, control room, and TV studio. The goal of this assignment is to start using interesting camera angles to make these rooms look like the "coolest in our school".

- Each student will be given a Canon point and shoot camera. 
   These cameras are called "point and shoot" cameras because that's what they do: you point the camera at what you want to photograph, zoom in/out, and press a button to take the picture. This camera controls all of your focus and exposure settings. Once we get the hang of these cameras, we will move on to more advanced cameras in our media lab.

- We will break up into groups of 5 students.
   Three Groups will be in the media lab. One group will be in the control room. One group will be in the TV studio. You will spend 10 minutes in each room. Take at least 10 photos in each room during those minutes. Think about the many different angles you can photograph these rooms in.

- We will save our photos into our folders on our computer.
  The Canon point and shoot cameras all have SD cards that the photos save to. AS A CLASS we will learn to remove the cards from the camera, plug them into our computers, and save them to our photo folders on our computers.


1) Wide shot/establishing shot (showing as much of the room as possible)

2) Close-up (zoomed in or really close to an object in the room showing the detail of that object)

3) Medium Shot (in between a wide shot and close-up) 

4) Worm's eye view (low angle looking up)

5) Bird's eye view (high angle looking down)

Media Lab

 Control Room

                                                                    TV Studio

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Newscasting - Tech News Writing Responsibilities

 ITC Digital Multimedia - Newscasting (11th Grade) 

Tech News Writing Responsibilities 


School (ITC) / Local (Syracuse) / National 
Script writers will use the computers in the Control Room.
Stories should be written….not copied from news web sites. Research is encouraged for stories, but script writes should write the stories in their own words.
Be sure to write your name after the stories written by you. This is how you will be graded.

Copy Editor/News Script Writer:
Has the added responsibility of proof reading all stories after they are written and putting them in the “script format. Also responsible for what stories are being written so writers are not working on the same story.
Responsible for writing four or more news stories. Stories should be related to activities that take place in the school, or are of interest of our target audience.
Stories should be written in broadcast script style, (conversational) and be error free.
Stories should include a video clip and/or a photo.
Select the “Quote of the Day”. 

Sports Script Writer:
Responsible for writing four or more sports related stories. Stories should include reporting all ITC sport scores, game highlights, and future events. 
Stories should be written in broadcast script style, (conversational) and be error free.
Stories should include video clips and photos whenever possible.

Weather Script Writer:
Responsible for the weather forecast looking forward five - seven days, and writing one or more weather related stories.
The forecast should be for our local area. The weather related story should also be about our local area, but could be a story outside our local area that may impact our area. 
Whenever possible locate and download a video clip and photos to illustrate the story.
Download a weather graphic showing the 5 - 7 Day forecast from a local news web site.

Newscasting - Tech News Studio Broadcast Responsibilities

 ITC Digital Multimedia - Newscasting (11th Grade) 

Tech News Studio Broadcast Responsibilities:

         Studio Production Team:

        Camera Operator: 
Power-up cameras and work with video board operator to be sure camera is working.
Get microphones ready. Plug in to camera and be sure they are working.
Mic anchor and perform mic check.
Work with video board operator to frame your shot. Be sure to leave a proper amount of head room.
Work with anchors while they practice reading their script.
Makes sure production crew has what they need.
Post the “Recording” sign on the door.
Make sure you are loud when you pronounce “Quiet on the Set”
Count down, start cameras at 3 seconds.
Call it a “Wrap”!
Be sure all equipment is put away.

Studio Anchors:
Report to your desk and begin working with the printed script.
Practice reading the script. 
Read it several times to yourself then practice reading it several time Out Loud!
Make suggested changes to the script. Write them on your script. 
Work with teleprompter operator to make the changes.
Perform mic test with camera operator.

Teleprompter Operator:
Power-up computer and prepare script.
Read the script and correct any errors. 
Work with Anchors and camera operators to make any changes.
Work with Anchors as they practice reading the script.
Scroll script during broadcast.
Power computer down after broadcast.

Switchboard Operator:
Power-up all equipment.
Work with camera operators framing their shots and performing audio checks.
When broadcast is complete, download broadcast to iMovie.
Coordinate with on-location crew to get the Weather segment.
Edit intro, Pledge of Allegiance, news and/or sports packages and outro into the broadcast.
Post Broadcast to Youtube.
Power down all equipment.

            Download all graphics on the mac in the Control Room.
            Create necessary graphics for the broadcast.
            Coordinate each with the script.
            Work with Anchors and Teleprompter operator to practice
            Show graphics during broadcast

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Intro - Icebreaker Intro A/V Script

 ITC Intro to Media Communications (9th Grade)

Digital Photo - Lasso Tool Project

 ITC Digital Photo

September 15th, 2015

Directions: Take a photo of yourself using Photobooth, then use Photoshop and the lasso tool to select your head from the photo and put it on a famous person / celebrity of your choice. The goal of this assignment is to start using new tools like the magnetic lasso tool and to start using layers in Photoshop. 
How to use lasso tool video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igD2xGBQT8I

Mr Newell's Head on Famous People Examples:

Mr Newell / Johnny Cash


Mr Newell / Alfred Hitchcock



Mr Newell / Larry Bird



Friday, September 11, 2015

Digital Photo - Photoshop Filters

 ITC Digital Photo


Directions: Follow each step on your computer along with Mr. Newell.

1) Finish saving your 10 high resolution photos in your "10 high res photo" folder. 

2) Create a folder titled "your name - filter project".

3) Open your 10 high resolution photos in Photoshop.

4) Apply 2 filters to each high resolution photo.

5) Save your 20 high resolution photos with filters in your "filter project" folder.

Here are some examples of filter projects from the 2014-15 ITC photo class for inspiration! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

ITC Media - Saving a High Resolution Photo from the Internet

ITC Media
Saving a High Resolution Photo from the Internet

1) Click on "Safari".

2) Type "www.google.com" in your web browser and press "Return" to go to Google.

3) Type in what you are searching for in the search bar and press "Return".

4) Click on "Images".

5) Click on "Search Tools" for a drop down menu to appear.

6) Click on "Size" from the drop down menu and select "Large" (this will filter the photos from the HIGHEST Resolution Photo to the LOWEST).

7) Click on the photo you'd like to use. Drag and drop that photo to your desktop folder OR "Right Click" / "Control Click" that photo and type the name you'd like to save your photo as.

ITC Media - Creating a Folder on Mac Desktop

ITC Media
Creating a Folder on a Mac Desktop

1) "Right Click" on the desktop with your mouse.
2) Click new folder.
3) Click once on "untitled folder" until it is highlighted light blue, and then type in your name and the name of the class.


1) Hold down "Control" on your keyboard and click on the desktop.
2) Click new folder.
3) Click once on "untitled folder" until it is highlighted light blue, and then type in your name and the name of the class.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ITC Media 2015-2016

 ITC Media 2015-2016
Mr. Newell


Students will learn skills in video, photo, audio, broadcasting, and journalism. We will use industry standard hardware and software in the development and production of projects.

Class Time: 

The best way to learn about media is hands-on time with projects and equipment. Much of the class time will be spent working on projects. There will be some lecture, demonstration, and in-class shoots. Writing and reading assignments as appropriate to the discipline will be part of this course. 

Students enter the classroom each day with a 100% (A) grade. To maintain that grade point
average, each day it is expected that all assignments be done with the highest level of professionalism, showing a positive attitude, and to the student’s best effort. Students will be given a grade at the midpoint and end of each marking period. Students can check the computer-based class grade book (E-School) regularly to check grades. If students miss points on an assignment, they will be able to see where they missed points, and make up those points next class. It is the students responsibility to check their grades in order to make up points!

Grading Weights:

Participation: 20%
Classwork: 20%
Worksheets: 20%
Projects: 20%
Quizzes/Tests: 20%

Class Attendance:
Attending class is mandatory for success in this class. ITC’s late policy states if a student is late
three times in a one month period, the student will be assigned after school detention for the length
of one class period. The teacher will call the student’s parents and tell them why the student is
assigned after school detention.

If the student does not show up for the after school detention, they will be assigned Saturday
school detention. If the student doesn’t attend Saturday school detention, they will be suspended.

Behavior Expectations for the Media Lab:
When you enter the Media Lab, you have entered a professional working environment. When in
the lab, it is expected that everyone will act in the manner found in all professional media

About Mr. Newell: 

Hello students and students’ families - Mr. Newell here! I will be teaching media communications at The Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central this year. A little bit about me: I am from the Syracuse area and have been involved locally with the visual arts for my whole life. I grew up taking pictures and making videos and have enjoyed watching technology advance along with my own artistic vision. I use many of the same industry standard equipment that you will be using in ITC’s media classes this year! Along with teaching here at ITC, I am the co-founder and owner of Digital Media Solutions, a ilm and photography business in Syracuse, I teach advanced film and editing classes at the college level at Cayuga Community College, and I am a coach for the ITC girls basketball team! GO EAGLES!

“I believe in you. I care about you. I will NEVER give up on you.”

Mr. Newell | Media Teacher | Institute of Technology @ Syracuse Central