Sunday, April 10, 2016

Photography Lighting


Using the Digital Photography text book provided, read pages 129-137 and answer the questions below. This information is vital in preparing you for learning lighting techniques used in the photo studio.


1.       List three ways light can change when taking photos outside and inside.



2.       List ways light can change the “feeling” of a photo.



3.       List the qualities of “Direct Light”.



4.       List the qualities of “Directional/Diffused” light.



5.       List the qualities of “Diffused Light”.



6.       Explain the type of lighting that you would use a high ISO setting.



7.       Describe the lighting conditions when you would use a tripod.



8.       What type of light is usually the most realistic and pleasing to use when taking photos?



9.       What part of lighting makes an image hard or soft?



10.   What light creates the strongest shadows?



11.   How powerful (watts) is the light bulb in a photo lamp used to light a subject in a photo studio?



12.   What two light sources produce similar light as a direct light bulb in a metal bowl-shaped reflector?




13.   Describe the light and shadows in “Frontlighting”.




14.   Describe the light and shadows in “High 45* Lighting”.


15.   Describe the light and shadows in “Side Lighting”.




16.   Describe the light and shadows in “Top Lighting”




17.   Describe the light and shadows in “Backlighting”.




18.   Describe the light and shadows in “Bottom Lighting”.




19.   How does adding a “Fill Light” affect the quality of the light of a photo?



20.   How many stops darker are the shadows from the bright areas in most portrait photos?


21.   What is the best light direction when taking a photo of a person outside on a sunny day?



22.   List the items you can use as “reflectors” when you want to create a “fill light”.

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