Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Photo - Scavenger Hunt

Photo - Scavenger Hunt 

Scavenger Hunt

Elements of Design, Pattern, Composition and Emotion

This Scavenger Hunt assignment is designed to challenge your ability to find and photograph elements of design, pattern, composition and emotion. Shoot a lot of photos so you have many photos to select from.

Assignment: Sign out a camera and shoot photos that illustrate the ideas, concepts and words listed below. After shooting your photos, edit as needed in Photoshop. Feel free to use all the skills and creative techniques you’ve learned in Photoshop.

When finished editing, type the word on the photo so I know what words it’s an example of.

Turn in one photo that represents each of the word listed below.

1.     Detail

2.     Pattern

3.     Texture

4.     Abstract

5.     S-curve

6.     Rule of Thirds

7.     Reflection

8.     Circle

9.     Loneliness (represents or evokes this emotion…cannot be of a person)

10.  Happiness (represents or evokes this emotion…cannot be of a person)

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