Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Camera Exposure

Camera Exposure

For this project, you will learn about Camera Exposure.

After viewing the video and answering the questions below, you will have a photography project to try using the DSLR that will help your understanding of "Exposure".
Before starting this project, view this video on Exposure.
After viewing the video, log on to the web site “Exposure”. Read the information on Camera Exposure and answer each question below.
1    1) What is exposure?
      2) What are the three camera settings that control exposure? 
3) What two camera settings control how much light falls onto the camera sensor? 
4)  Which camera settings acts like an “iris” in your eye? 
5)Which camera setting is also referred to as “F-Stops”. 
6) What camera setting controls “Depth of Field”? 
7) Define “Depth of Field”. 
8) In the examples given in the reading, what happens to the background of the photo of flowers taken with F16? 
9)  In the examples given in the reading, what happens to the background of the photo of flowers taken at F2.8. 
10) What camera setting works like a “window blind”? 
11) How much light hits the camera sensor when using the “B” setting?
12) In the examples given in the reading, what happens to the water in the photo when taken at 1/40 of a second.
13) In the examples given in the reading, what happens to the water in the photo when taken at 1/500 of a second.

14) Describe how you must use Aperture and Shutter Speed settings together.

15) In the examples in the reading, describe what happens to the photos of the motorcycle engine when Aperture and Shutter Speed settings are not used together.

      16) Which of the three camera settings stands for International Standards Organization?
17) Which camera setting measures the sensitivity of light?

18) In the examples given in the reading, what ISO setting produces the best quality photographs?

19) In the examples given in the reading, what ISO setting produces the worst quality, or “noisy” photographs?

20) When you set your camera on AUTO, it selects what three camera settings?
21) When you set your camera on AV, which camera setting do you select?

22) When you set your camera on TV, which camera setting do you select?

23) When you set your camera on M, which camera settings do you select?

24) What is used to calculate exposure?

25) Describe “Average Weight” metering.

26) Describe “Center Weight” metering.

27) Describe “Spot” metering.

28) Define Aperture.

29) Define Shutter Speed. 

30) Define ISO.

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