Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ITC Facebook Page Banner Competition

Create a Banner for a Facebook Page

For this project you will create a new banner for the “We Are ITC” Facebook page. This is the artwork that runs at the top of the Facebook page. See example above.


For this project you will design a new banner for the “We Are ITC” Facebook page.

The banner must include these elements:

a.       ITC logo

b.      The words: We Are ITC

c.       Photo(s) of ITC students

d.      The use of the school colors…red, white and blue

In Photoshop, create a new document at this size:   Wide:  10 inches

                                                                         Height:  3.75 inches

                                                                         Resolution:  100 pixels/inch

As you are designing the banner, remember all your skills in composition. Be sure there is a good mix of photos from the different aspects of our school. (academics, sports, after school activities and programs, our CTE programs…Automotive, Culinary, Media, and Forensics).

This banner is the first item people see when they log on to our Facebook. It should give people a positive impression of our school.

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